
Politics for the common good in harmony with nature

Communication platform for politically interested people

List of politicians

For ethically responsible and environmentally friendly politics:
Clean environment - An economy in harmony with nature!
Healthy people - Natural food and medicine!
Common Good - No more exploitation of the people!
Personal freedom and self-determination
Security and peace, protection of the family

However this is a free list!
There is a big difference in comparison to political parties:
Members of Parliament decide freely according to their best knowledge and conscience.
Fans decide the ranks on the candidate lists, i.e. through direct democracy!

A fan is a user of the platform, can view and comment on articles from all politicians.
Fans of politicians can receive news from them.
Permanent right to vote: Votes for three politicians can be given and changed at any time.
The minimum age is 14, the registration is free!

Political member
The political membership can be activated in the fan area.
Then you can be politically active here on the platform.
Candidates can get votes from fans.

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Free-Eco-List - EcoPAs
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Debts are the money of the slaves. Social is what frees us from work and debts! Greed and possession are not the goal of life

"If the smart are not willing to engage in politics they are punished by being ruled by someone worse."
"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men." (Platon 427-347-C)
"Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive." (Albert Einstein)